Volunteer Teaching Kids in Mexico How to Sew – Can you help?
There’s a little Mayan village called Macario Gomez just outside of Talum, Mexico. A women named Erika, who is originally from Jersey City, opened a BnB in this area and since has also started a much needed after school program there called La Escuelita de Macario Gomez. This school is completely run by volunteers and she started the Escuelita because as she puts it on their facebook page:
“They have no afterschool, no library, no music, no trips anywhere…no big homes with comfy sofas to read on, some do not even own chairs….or tables,or real plates to eat from! the list of what they lack could go on and on…
Yet the children are not bitter or depressed, they are happy and eagerly participate in any community activity – park cleanup , animal rescues, etc..And they love to learn, draw, read, dance .“
I’m super excited to be spending a week there in April to volunteer teach the kids of La Escuelita de Macario Gomez how to sew!
I’m writing today to let you know that I could use some help from you!
Everything on the Amazon Wishlist, with all the sewing supplies we’ll need for the classes was purchased in about 4 hours! Which is completely amazing.
They could also use some help with their operating costs, so I set up a gofundme page here. If you feel so inclined, please donate what you can.
Go Fund Me Page for La Escualita de Macario Gomez
Facebook Page of La Escuelita de Macario Gomez
How special will it feel to see these kids learning how to sew using something you donated to them!
You know I’ll be be posting it on our Facebook and instagram pages while I’m there! 😉
xo, Megan