Interview with Amie Plumley – Part 1
I had the awesome privilege of sitting down and chat with Amie Petronius Plumley, the author of the awesome kids sewing books
- Sewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make
- Sewing School 2: Lessons in Machine Sewing
- Sewing School Quilts
- And the upcoming Sewing School Fashion Design.
It was so much fun to get to know her better! Amie and I kinda got chatting and didn’t stop so this interview is a 2 part series.
In this first part of this video series, Amie and I talked a lot about how she brings sewing into her second grade classroom, how she gets the administration at her school on board with teaching young kids how to sew in the classroom (I mean it’s basically art, right?) and so many other things.
And did you know that Amie absolutely encourages anyone and everyone to use her book to teach kids in your classes! All projects are available to use in any class you teach, which typically isn’t the norm. This just made me love her all the more! Plain and simple, Amie is furthering the mission of teaching as many people as possible how to sew! I can’t help but align myself with that mission and I bet you feel the same way!
Want more Amie? Here’s part 2 of our interview.
We’ve also got a little bonus chat here.
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Aimee Plumley Biography:
Amie Petronis Plumley is the co-author of Sewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make and School 2: Lessons in Machine Sewing, Sewing School Quilts, and the upcoming Sewing School Fashion Designpublished by Storey Publishing. Sewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make has more than 100,000 copies in print and is perennially in the top 10 sewing books on Amazon.com; likewise, Sewing School 2: Lessons in Machine Sewing received a gold medal from the 2013 National Parenting Publications awards and is in its second printing. In addition, Amie co-created a popular Sewing School day camp, oversees a sewing after school program, authors the accompanying blog, www.sewingschool.blogspot.com, and manages the Sewing School Book Face Book and Instagram pages. Her work has been featured on numerous crafting and child-center blogs such as Homeshooling.com, Maya*Made, Soule Mama, and The Crafty Crow, as well as the popular crafting podcast While She Naps. In addition, she teaches sewing workshops for both children and adults, sells her handmade gifts and sewing kits for children at local shops and art fairs, and works with scouting troops.
Amie holds a Masters Degree in Teaching and teaches second grade at Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal School, a private preschool through eighth grade school nestled in a historic, urban neighborhood in Memphis, Tennessee. She has presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the Tennessee Association of Independent School (TAIS), and Fairy Dust Teaching on-line conferences. Amie lives and teaches in Memphis and is the mother of two of children, both avid sewers.