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Interview with The Stitchery RI – Hipstitch Academy

Interview with The Stitchery RI

So I’ve been sitting on this video for about 8 months now. We had some technical difficulties in the beginning of the video that I honestly wasn’t sure how to deal with.

But I made it work, and I’m so glad I did because editing the interview I was reminded of all the really good information that we talked about when I interviewed

Tracy & Karen from the Stitchery in RI.

These two rock stars co-own The Stitchery and call themselves a  “Needle Art Studio” because they offer not only sewing classes, but knitting classes too.  (They even have some other crafty & apothecary classes that don’t involve needles!)

In this interview Traci & Karen were very forthcoming about how their partnership works from a financial standpoint. If you’ve ever thought about having a partnership in business, this is a definite must listen! 

One other thing that was really interesting that we talked about is hiring outside bloggers and experts to come and teach in your studio. Shortly after the interview happened they hosted the Yarn Harlot, a very well known knitting blogger and sold out the space. 

They find that hosting events like this is a great way to introduce people to their studio who might not normally take e class. They find this makes it totally worthwhile to have events like this, even though popular instructors like this can be expensive. 

I won’t say anymore and will let the interview speak for itself.


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We have more Sewing Boss Interviews here!

Karen Katin Biography:

I have been sewing my entire life—starting at age 5 and never stopping. My Masters in Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction from William and Mary, several years teaching high school, and 6 more years on the artisan fair circuit selling handmade bags and accessories, plus continuing to run a successful Etsy shop, have merged into a new career, teaching sewing lessons since 2015. In addition to teaching a wide range of children and adult classes at Stitchery, you might also see me teaching at various libraries around the state of Rhode Island, and mentoring youth sewing pillowcases for the patients at Hasbro Childrens Hospital.

Dancing Threads RI Blog

Traci Vaspol Biography:

Traci  learned to knit from her Nan when she was little and she was always in awe of her grandmother's practical needle work skills. Returning to knitting in earnest while expecting her son ( who is now 18) she has been knitting and sewing away ever since. Her combined love for promoting all things fiber arts and Rhode Island brought about the state's first yarn crawl, various workshops and classes, and involvement in guilds and festivals. She loves to teach all sorts of practical crafts and skills and really believes that the knowledge needs to continue to be passed on to future generations. Traci is a knitter, spinner, sewer and somewhat weaver. She loves the fiber arts community in Rhode Island and has made many fabulous friends because of it, many of who are amazing artisans in their own right.

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