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Beginner Sewing Boot Camp - Adult 15 Hour Sewing Class Curriculum

Adult Beginner Sewing Boot Camp


The Hipstitch Academy Beginner Sewing Bootcamp is a Learn to Sew Program to teach adult beginners how to sew in a series of Weekly Classes (15 Hours of curriculum total).

In the Beginner Sewing Boot Camp, the class the lessons are divided into five different modules where students will make a series of five simple, fashionable, wearable and useful projects that focus on learning key sewing skills. After completing this course, students will be able to utilize these sewing skills proficiently on their own. This course effectively teaches adult students how to sew using a fun, informative & proven curriculum.

In addition to basic sewing skills, the Hipstitch Academy sewing patterns and tutorials used in this class curriculum will teach your sewing students:

  • Basic sewing pattern reading,
  • Basic fashion design techniques
  • Project customization based on student aesthetic and fit.
SKU: SKU-38 Category:


  • Modules
  •  What's Included
  • Value

Sew Much Value:

  • We suggest a ratio of 1 instructor for up to 8 adults enrolled in the class.
  • We suggest charging $250-$350 usd for the 15 hour course (~$17-$23/hr) depending on your market. You can charge more to include the cost of the fabric. We find giving our students the option of bringing their own fabric or purchasing it from our studio works best for us.
  • In addition to the course lesson plan, patterns & tutorials that come with this curriculum, purchasers will have never ending value, as they can teach this class an unlimited number of times. We’ve been teaching this 15 Hour sewing course at our studio in Hoboken, NJ since 2006. On average we’ve teach it 6-7 times per year. The projects and concepts included in the curriculum are timeless.

Beginner Sewing Boot Camp Curriculum
Introductory Price:  $169.00 usd

Earn your investment + more in your first class!
8 Students at $250/each = $2000 Revenue