Sew Face Masks
Instructions to Make Masks:
Step 1:

Cut your fabrics. 2 pieces measuring - 9"wide x 6" tall for adults
- 7.5" wide x 5" tall for kids
Also cut two 7" pieces of elastic cord (make knots at the end) or thin (1/8") flat elastic.
Step 2:
Sew one end of one elastic to one corner of one of your fabrics (doesn't matter which one). Backstitch across it a couple of times. Stretch it across the shorter side and sew the other end to the other corner. Backstitch across it a couple or times.
Do the same with the other piece of elastic on the other side of the fabric.
Step 3:

Place your remaining fabric piece on top so right sides are touching. Pin the two pieces together.
Sew around the entire thing using 1/2" seam allowance, but leave a 4" opening on the bottom to turn it right side out.
Step 4:

Turn the whole thing right side out and tuck in the raw edges.
Step 5:

Secure the opening with pins .
Make 3 small pleats in each side and secure with pins.
Using 1/4" seam allowance sew around the entire edge twice.
Step 6:

Couple things to keep in mind when sewing your masks:
- Use tightly-woven cotton fabric for both layers of fabric.
- If you don't have actual fabric to make, clean cotton button down shirts work.
- Please remember that both women and men, as well as boys and girls may wear these masks.
- Pre-wash your fabric, if you can.
- Sew them sturdy, people! Don't forget to backstitch!
- For patterns and instructions on making masks, see above.